Welcome to CBMC of Metro DC
The reality of today's world is that men are much less spiritually inclined than women. Yet research shows that the importance of a godly father to children in the home is staggering. Can anyone put balance into the pervasive American male credo of self-sufficiency and individualism without God?
We believe godly men can! Let's face it, men today need help in building spiritual disciplines,not only in the home, but in the workplace as well. The apostle Paul said to Timothy, "Train yourself to be godly...godliness has value for all things holding promise for the present life and in the life to come." (I Timothy 4:7)
CBMC is focused on discipling men, young and old alike!
We see the marketplace as the concrete and steel jungle of America. This is where men invest most of their time and energy, and where the desires and struggles of this world, like money, power, success, and control, manifest themselves every day. CBMC believes that business and professional men can and should join God in winning and discipling men right where they work. Our mission is to create ministers and ambassadors for Christ and God the Father's glory, in the market place.
Jesus Christ commissioned us to go into the world and make disciples, teaching them to obey the commandments He has given us.
Discipleship is more than a systematic, logical plan to learn the teaching of Scripture. It is a relational process that changes how a person sees, thinks, and feels about life and faith. The process includes learning and being mentored in the religious paradigm of Christ, so that we will then be able to go and disciple others. Our goal is to help form men of vision, character, strength, faith, and wisdom, who operate with servants' hearts, full of Christ's love.
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